Week 5, Summer 2024
Welcome to Week 5! This week’s post features the perspectives of two very feisty felines and some awful cat puns — I bet you didn’t know Phoebe and Nooch were litter-ate, but they sure have some very interesting insights to contribute for this week.
Friday, June 28:
Phoebe: Nooch and I began our day bright and early on Friday by decimating the bird population in Sheldon, IL, because you know what they say: the early cat gets the bird gets the worm, and so we did. That day, some folks planted something called asparagus, which is a tall, rather funny-looking vegetable that looks like it would be great to sharpen your nails on, but I’ve heard that all it does is make your pee smell funny. Later that afternoon, a bunch of the crew left for the weekend to see a concert, attend a wedding, and visit friends, but it’s okay because Eric stayed this time.
Saturday, June 29 & Sunday, June 30:
Nooch: The weekend felt rather quiet with so many people gone, so Phoebe and I befriended the cow down the street until she made it clear that her milk was not for us to drink, which was pretty rude of her. To compensate for that, we had a delicious breakfast of mice pancakes with a catnap reduction and a Colorado potato beetle garnish. We were so satiated by that meal that we just napped for the rest of the day, which I suppose works in the spirit of Shabbat and honoring the day of rest. I believe rest is so vital to ensuring that we are able to work (catch critters that would otherwise destroy the crops) at a sustainable pace, so it’s something Phoebe and I definitely prioritize in our simple cat lives. Almost all the crew returned later on Sunday, including our new friend named Ella!
Monday, July 1:
Phoebe: Nooch and I took a slow start to our Monday while the humans roused themselves bright and early to begin the work week. We were trying to sleep in, actually, but then one of those funny feathery critters that are fenced in by the barn started making weird noises that went a little bit like this: Cockadoodledoo! Then another one did it. And then another. And then Acacia freaked out because apparently they aren’t supposed to make those noises, but it doesn’t matter so much to me because I’m sure they would all taste the same. Later that morning, we watched from afar as some folks harvested some carrots. They had to bring out this big pitchfork to loosen the dirt around the carrots so they could be dug out, and all I have to say is what a pity they didn’t enlist Nooch and me to help out, because we have eight pairs of built-in pitchforks between the two of us and the task would have been done in mere seconds.
Some of the carrots harvested this week (that no, we did not get to try)!
Tuesday, July 2:
Nooch: On Tuesday, we discovered the joys of human food. The crew decided to have a ton of their meals outdoors this week, and as much as I enjoy my protein-packed dinners, something about the scent of fresh basil, radicchio and frisée lettuce tossed in ACV dressing, roasted summer squash, and cabbage soup with soft-boiled eggs smells quite inviting. The humans also began this big project of trellising the high tunnel, while others wielded big power tools to cut up straw for mushrooms, which Phoebe also learned makes a cozy napping spot this week. Then some of them began weeding and prepping the beds in ATR, and Phoebe and I can only hope that they finally plant something that we would enjoy, for once. All those beds full of strange vegetables for them to eat and only one meager bush of catnip feels a little unfair to us.
Wednesday, July 3:
Phoebe: On Wednesday, some folks went to the food pantry for the first time with those carrots that we saw them laboriously digging up earlier this week and fennel bulbs. Others went into town to hang up posters advertising Luisa’s art workshops to be happening soon on the land, which is exciting because it means more new friends who I can aggressively request head pats from. Nooch and I also napped while Hedy and Zoë soaked straw for the mushrooms, until Nooch decided to slap me across the face and force me to retreat behind some buckets for cover.
I mean, how could you resist petting me?
Thursday, July 4:
Nooch: On Thursday, Phoebe and I scored big: We both caught some incredibly tender mice for breakfast, but then this big chipmunk just happened to run my way and enter my jaws, and the next thing you knew, I was enjoying Thanksgiving on Independence Day. Thursday was also a rainy one: in my lethargic, replenished state, I somehow managed to make my way into the bike shed to take a nap in one of the mushroom buckets while the rain pitter-pattered overhead and Hedy and Ella inoculated some new PoHu mushrooms. Some of the crew also began working on making face-painting templates for the farmers’ market, and I think it’s REALLY funny that they have a bunny one, but not a cat one. REALLY funny.
That’s all for this week, folks, but Phoebe and Nooch’s adventures continue on the farm. If you’re interested in following along in the long run, please kindly request Patricia to get started on her children’s book. Until then, stay tuned for more updates next Friday :)