Synthesizing Science and Faith
At Zumwalt Acres, we’re committed to building a community that is welcoming to people from all different faith backgrounds, while being guided by Jewish principles of land stewardship and community building. In our practice, we can’t separate science and faith; tradition and knowledge are intertwined as foundations of our work. We’re still learning what it means to build a community according to this ethic, but we know that this journey is critical to shaping our values and bringing about the world that ought to be.
Putting Scientists and Jewish Practitioners in Conversation
Below, you will see two short documentaries and a Zoom presentation created for the Big Bold Jewish Climate Fest in January, 2021. We have been deeply fortunate to find an enormous support network of agricultural scientists and Jewish farmers, and their input has proved invaluable to us in guiding our regenerative practices and faith-based values. By putting the perspectives of Jewish farmers (bottom left) and regenerative agriculture practitioners (bottom right) in conversation, we have found enormous wisdom for our practice.
Zumwalt Acres Explores Faith and Farming
This 25-minute Zoom-based documentary by Max Tierstein explores the thinking of Jewish farmers from several farms and agricultural organizations across the United States. These engaging agriculturalists discuss how their faith influences their ethics and what lessons the agricultural community at large can draw from ancient Jewish teachings on food and the environment.
BBJCF Agroforestry Experts
This 11-minute compilation of videos from leading experts compiled by Sophie Lieberman on agroforestry and regenerative agriculture in the Midwest focuses on the compelling case for alternative models of agriculture in the Midwest and strategies for implementing these practices.
Planting Trees with Intention: Agroforestry at the Intersection of Faith and Science
Zumwalt Acres presents Planting Trees with Intention: Agroforestry at the Intersection of Faith and Science at the 2021 Big Bold Jewish Climate Fest.